Thursday, January 7, 2010

Resolutions and Stuff

I love a new year, a fresh start and with the foot of snow we got last weekend, a clean slate.  I have always like the idea of resolutions, the execution I often find a bit harder to work with.  So I got to thinking.  And usually my resolutions are long term goals that have no real end or measurable scale of completion, or they are repetitive tasks that in my crazy mind seem to get lost in the shuffle.
Things like, I'm going to write a letter to someone every day are dead before they even get started.  It isn't that I don't want to write letters to people, or that I couldn't write one every day.  It is more like, the days gets away from me, and before I know it I have a sentence or 2 written on a note card and dinner needs to be made or the baby needs changing, or it is time for bed and the letter gets set aside for a few minutes and then forgotten.  So before I know it, I have this stack of 1 sentence letters that will never get finished and well, there goes the resolution.  So this year I thought, since I love to craft anyway, that I would make all of resolutions project based.  Things that I could accomplish and then show off on here. I figure this will do two things, one it will give me things to blog about.  I love to write here and share what I am doing and what is going on, but I don't like to just blather on about nothing.  And it will give me ideas of what to work on when my creative cycle hits a low period.  Yes, I get crafter's block! And what a block that can be. 
I get all kinds of ideas and things that I want to do, but I either don't know how I'm going to accomplish it or I'm afraid of ruining something.  And well, I resolve to just go for it.  From now on, I'm going to try to remember the worst thing that could happen.  I have gobs of fabric, but I get so afraid of cutting into it.  I finally cut into a piece and put the rest into scrap bags or piles of smaller fabric and it gets used for everything.  But when the fabric is beautiful and new from the store or has been sitting on my shelf for a while, well I have this fear that I'm going to ruin it. 
And well now that we have gone on that little tangent back to the main.  My resolutions, I am going to do a list in my sidebar so that I can keep track of what I have planned, when I am doing it and how it is coming. 
I do have a few big project this year, with new babies entering the extended family and birthdays and Christmas, and I have promised myself I will not be caught the last week before Christmas again. 

I also want to do better with pictures in this blog.  I know the blogs with pictures are way better and well, I take enough pictures that this really shouldn't be a problem at all, ya know.  Speaking of pictures, here is one of Fynn, clearly enjoying himself. 


Lisa Page Rosenberg said...

That is one sweet baby.

Shawna said...

Thank you! You've got a cutie pie yourself!